PennHIP Certification

PennHIP Certification: Understanding Canine Hip Dysplasia and the PennHIP Testing Procedure

What is PennHIP Certification?
PennHIP testing offers a method for estimating the likelihood of a dog developing painful osteoarthritis due to canine hip dysplasia (CHD) later in life. This is important for assessing and managing the risk of hip problems before they become more severe. Early identification can help guide decisions about the dog's care and future treatment options.

What is Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD)?
Canine Hip Dysplasia is one of the most common inherited orthopedic conditions in dogs. It occurs when the hip joint doesn't form correctly, leading to joint instability, pain, and arthritis over time. CHD is the leading cause of painful osteoarthritis in dogs, resulting in pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility, which can significantly affect the dog's quality of life. Unfortunately, there is no cure for CHD, but the condition can be managed with pain medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes to improve comfort.

How Does the PennHIP Procedure Work?
The PennHIP procedure involves taking precise x-rays of your dog's hips to assess the degree of hip laxity (looseness), which is an indicator of potential hip dysplasia. Here's how it works:

1. Positioning: Your dog will be positioned on the x-ray table, with the hips in a neutral position.
2. Distraction Device: A custom distraction device is applied to the hips to maximize the amount of hip laxity revealed. This allows for the most accurate evaluation of potential joint instability.
3. Sedation: To ensure the muscles are completely relaxed, and the procedure goes smoothly, your dog will be sedated. This is crucial to obtain precise x-ray images without muscle interference.

Preparation for the PennHIP Procedure

  • Drop-off Time: Please drop off your dog between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM.
  • Fasting Instructions: Your dog should not eat after 10:00 PM the night before the procedure. This ensures that your dog is ready for sedation.

By undergoing PennHIP testing, pet owners gain a clear understanding of their dog's risk for developing hip problems, allowing for more informed decisions regarding long-term care.