September - Happy Healthy Cat Month🐈

Happy Healthy Cat Month?

Each cat finds enjoyment in different ways, here are some ways to find out what your cat truly enjoys!

Cat Enjoyment?

Do you struggle getting your cat into their carrier to come see us? Check out this video to help prepare you for your cat's next visit with us!

If cats could talk.....

Hungry cat?

Absolutely! We should see your cat EVERY year. Developing a good relationship with us is one of the most important things you can do for your cat, regular visits will help give us a chance to identify problems early. Our website has tons of information on cat services to help create a happy life for your cat.

Annual Visits?

Did you know that in the wild, cats will sleep 16 hours a day!?? It's our job to offer enrichment opportunities for when they're very active during the rest of the day, like hunting, chasing, jumping, climbing, scratching, pouncing, hiding, and problem solving. Ten minutes of active play twice a day is great exercise for your feline. Afterwards, feed them, every successful hunt ends with a meal.

Let me Sleep?

If you have any questions to ensure your feline has a healthy happy life, you can email us at [email protected], we would love to answer your questions!